WellCONTAINED Services

Wild Well's unique capping system provides a truly comprehensive solution to global deepwater well control incident prevention and response.


Subsea Capping Solutions

Wild Well is proud to offer WellCONTAINED™ Subsea Capping Solutions to the industry. Based on more than 40 years of conventional and subsea well control experience, our unique capping system provides a truly comprehensive solution to global deepwater well control incident prevention and response. The WellCONTAINED™ system of services includes contingency planning and response from Source Control Emergency Response Planning (SCERP) through field deployment of one of our system capping stacks to a subsea uncontrolled well.

Wild Well has three response packages staged for quick deployment in Montrose and Singapore.

Prevention and response serve as cornerstones to the WellCONTAINED™ set of solutions, providing operators with a full-service response in the right-sized package.

WellCONTAINED Global Response Equipment


  • In-house Response Personnel
  • Capping Stack Installation Plans -Drillpipe
  • Capping Stack Installation Plans -Work Wire
  • Capping Stack Shut-in plans
  • Logistics Plans
  • Debris Removal Plans
  • Dispersant Application Plans
  • Capping Stack Interface Checks
  • Sea Fastening Plans


  • Source Control Emergency Response Plans
  • Shallow Water Capping Plans
  • Relief Well Plans
  • Blowout / Dynamic Kill Analysis
  • Broaching Simulation and Analysis
  • Bullhead Analysis
  • Dynamic Temperature Modeling
  • Well Control (Kick) Modeling
  • Atmospheric Dispersion and Radiant Heat Analysis
  • Subsea Plume Analysis
  • Response Drills
  • Training